
The concept of new normal have been introduced in the year 2020 due to the pandemic. It has changed every aspect of our lives including the way we live. One of the main changes faced all over the world is the work from home culture. In the olden days, many companies don’t encourage this and also many consider it is not possible. But now, it is essential that every business should follow this culture.

Remote work is gaining popularity, but one of the major concerns among business owners is communication. To run a business successfully and complete the project on time, effective communication is essential. There are two types of communication that are used in the organization that includes synchronous and asynchronous communication.

Synchronous communication is when people interact with each other in real-time. It requires giving an immediate response. It is mostly suitable for an office environment. But when a team is spread across different regions, then it can be hard to have communication. Whereas Asynchronous communication is a type of communication that does not happen in real-time. It is the best solution for the remote team.

The different companies adopted different things in the work from home culture. Whereas a popular digital studio adopted Asynchronous communication to manage their remote team. They may use different project management tools like Asana and Slack. Many companies consider that asynchronous would not help to increase productivity and they consider it would make them miss the human connection.

But TheSoul Publishing believed that asynchronous would work well and also they achieved their targets greatly with the help of this communication. They know that posting valuable content at the crucial time of a pandemic is essential to engage the audience. With the help of effective communication, they are able to come out with the best concepts and they also succeeded in the new feature YouTube Shorts.

There are so many benefits that are associated with asynchronous communication. Business owners and employers should understand the concept well and utilize it properly to communicate effectively. When choosing asynchronous communication, it is comfortable for both sender and receiver. The sender can share the message at any time and the recipient doesn’t have the pressure of responding immediately. It leads to high-quality communication.

Thus, the above are a few ways that the popular digital studio managed its remote team.