If you are looking to get a personal business card printed, you should avoid design flaws in it as they can make you look like a rookie.
Around 10 billion business cards are printed around the globe annually, and almost all of them get thrown away by the receivers as they do not appeal to them. That is because businesses usually spend their money on ordinary looking paper business cards which do not intrigue their potential customer.
In this article, we will discuss some of the biggest design flaws you should avoid in a business card.
Font of the business card is one of the most important things. Using the wrong font can make your business card difficult to read. So, I always use an easily readable font which won’t hurt the eyes of the receiver when they start looking for contact details of your business on your business card.
When it comes to choosing the right size for your font, you should keep the size medium. Using a large size will limit the amount of information you can put on your business card, and a smaller size would be difficult to read. So, keep the font size medium.
Many businesses use pictures as the background of their business card. While this is perfectly okay, you should use the right picture if you do not want to puzzle the receiver.
For example, if you deal in cars, there is no reason to put the picture of a motorcycle in the background of your business card. That is because this will puzzle the receivers.
When it comes to choosing the right material for your personal business cards, you should prefer using metal. Metal Cards Support is also available for metal cards, and they last for a long time.