Instagram is a popular photo-centric social media platform. Nowadays, Instagramming your dinner or coffee seems like a no-brainer; you are also likely to find photos of your sister from lunch, or pictures of flowers taken by friends at a nearby park. However, if you want to stand out in the pack and make an impact, you need to make sure that your Instagram photos are appropriate for your audience. To buy instagram followers can help you gain new customers and grow your business.
Here are ways to use Instagram hashtags to engage with followers, gain visibility and make brand impressions.
Identify Your Audience
The first thing you need to do before choosing hashtags is to define your audience. After all, you wouldn’t talk to your grandfather the same way you would speak with a teenager. Similarly, your hashtags should suit the audience. For instance, if you are trying to reach out to teenage girls, using #oldpeopleproblems could not be a good idea. Another example would be if you are aiming for people who have purchased an item on your website, you can use the hashtag #customersatisfaction to ensure your photo appears in their photo feed.
Use Topical Hashtags
To engage your followers and gain traction, use hashtags that are relevant to your content. While you can have a lot of fun with this, it is also important to be strategic. For instance, if you are posting a picture of your breakfast, you could have fun with the hashtags such as #brunchlife or #yummyfood. Alternatively, to strike a chord with customers who bought products on your website, you can use #customersatisfaction or #clientresult.
Keep it Short
If you are not writing a book, keep your hashtags short and sweet. The whole point is to be able to attract people with different interests. As such, make sure your hashtags are short and punchy. This will help you get maximum reach with minimum effort. Another thing you need to remember is that if you use long hashtags in Instagram posts, it would be more difficult for users to find your content on search engines.
Avoid Over-Hashtagging
Do not be tempted to use more than five hashtags per post. The point here is that no one wants to see 20 tags with different words. While Instagram’s algorithm has been greatly improved and you might find your post among the first few tagged, it does not mean there is need for over-hashtagging. In fact, doing so could hurt your brand as people will simply lose interest in your page because of the thinly veiled attempts to sell products or increase reach.