You will be awake during the surgery

When light does not focus on your retina the way it should, your vision becomes blurry. Doctors call this a refractive error. Kraff Eye Institute offers procedures to correct it. LASIK eye surgery is not for everyone, though. You should discuss with your doctor first. LASIK is not for you if you:

  • are younger than eighteen.
  • are pregnant or nursing.
  • have thin or uneven corneas.
  • have eye conditions such as glaucoma or really dry eyes.
  • take certain medications.
  • have a lot of recent changes to your vision prescription.
  • have other health issues such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus.

LASIK eye surgery can change your life. It is vital to arm yourself with basic knowledge before undergoing the procedure.

Know your surgeon

Research. Look for an experienced, board-certified ophthalmologist. Ask direct questions about your surgeon’s experience and complication rate. The surgeon should have appropriate training and a good reputation in the community.

Follow pre-surgery instructions

It is essential to follow any pre-surgery instructions to avoid potential complications. Avoid wearing contact lenses and make-up before the surgery. Your doctor will also tell you to stop using your lenses about two to three weeks before the surgery.

You will be awake during the surgery

You will be awake during the surgery

LASIK is an outpatient surgical procedure since it only takes about five to fifteen minutes. You will be awake the entire time, but you have nothing to worry, though. Your surgeon will use eye drops as an anaesthetic to numb the surface of your eyes during the procedure.

Perfect vision is not guaranteed

Although 96% of patients achieve 20/20 vision after the surgery, perfect vision is not guaranteed. You should look for another doctor if your doctor promises you a 20/20 vision after LASIK.

Know your refractive error

Some people need a repeat procedure, depending on the condition of the eyesight. Refinements or adjustments are possible after the surgery. The worse your vision is, the higher the chance you will need refinement surgery.

Be aware of the risks involved

LASIK is a safe and effective surgery. But it is still surgery, and it comes with possible risks. Complications are rare, but it is better to know what they are so you can prepare ahead of time. Risks include infection, inflammation, and over or under correction.

You should ask all the questions you could think of before the surgery to avoid any surprises. Knowing what you are facing will reduce anxiety. Experienced eye doctors will provide you with LASIK alternatives if LASIK is not right for you. Weigh your options well and choose the best for yourself.