There are several things to consider when getting started with conversational AI. The first key is picking the right platform or solution. There are plenty of custom options available for any website or custom integration. These include AI-driven embedded interfaces and chat windows. There are pre-built systems for beginners or those who want a quicker solution. These systems have a few advantages. Not only are they faster and easier to create, but they are also on platforms people already know.


Options available

There are plenty of text-based bots to choose from, such as Facebook Messenger and Twitter. It is crucial to use a platform customers are already familiar with. The platform should also have the features you need.


Check which channels customers use to communicate with your staff. It will help you understand which platform most customers already use. Research your customer demographics, too. It will help you learn if there are other channels they are using for other businesses.



A chatbot can automate the whole experience. It can also only start the conversation. It is up to you. Determine what you need and what you want. Ensure that the platform has the features you need. Some of these are top-notch security and social media integration. These features use customer service psychology. They create a successful platform allowing social sharing. It also helps with the expansion of the usage of the app.

Voice assistants

A voice assistant or smart speaker platform is crucial if you plan to use a voice interface. Same with chatbots, you have to choose a platform customers already use. A good example is an Android tech support bot on the Google platform. The market leader for smart speakers is Amazon. Smartphones and smart speakers share the same platform.

Preparing the team

Although AI does not need humans to keep it running, your team still has to prepare to work with it.

Most employees fear they might lose their jobs when they find out about the implementation of AI. Explain to the employees that they will take on new roles with the technology. The goal is to use conversational AI to help the success of employees, not to replace them.

Clinc helps to ensure seamless transitions for customers and prospects. Most processes will incorporate human interaction at some level. Train your team in the process by handing off conversation for infrequent topics. It is better to rely on employees when it comes to complex situations or those that rely on empathy.

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