What is the role of AI in healthcare?

An outbreak of infectious diseases has become more rampant in recent decades. Viruses that cause infections have evolved with humans over hundreds and thousands of years. Doctors and healthcare workers are noticing an increase in the speed at which they are now spreading world-over. It is an alarming situation.

What could be the reason for this rise?

  1. Connectivity: Earlier, people were confined to smaller spaces and lived relatively isolated lives. With an increase in travel and trade in recent times, contact between people has increased. Globalization is helping move not only commodities but humans and animals too. Access to the remotest corners of the world has become easy. The spread of infections to every nook and corner has become easy.
  2. Immunity: When a virus spreads to a new place, the immune system of the people living there may not be strong enough to face the onslaught. Medical practitioners are caught off-guard. By the time they understand the symptoms and develop a treatment plan, it is too late.
  3. Population: An increase in population and scarcity of space has forced humanity to survive in overcrowded surroundings. Construction of residential as well as work-places has increased, turning our globe into a concrete jungle. Cleanliness is out of bounds. Unhygienic conditions and global warming are the foremost causes of virus spread.

Despite all this, we are still capable of effectively controlling the spread of infectious diseases. Globally, public-health systems are gaining strength. Various advanced medical technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms are aiding in the early detection and diagnosis of diseases. They are also helping in the manufacture and distribution of vaccines and medicines.


Clinc is one of the companies that offer to assist in integrating AI technology with existing resources. AI in healthcare means using automated technology/automated processes to diagnose and offer a safer and cheaper treatment to patients.

Let us see the advantages of AI integration:

  • Diagnosis: Early detection of a disease is like half the battle won. Diagnosing is a time-consuming process. An increase in the number of patients and scarcity of medical experts makes it a tough job. AI uses digitized data by identifying similar patterns in ailments to provide an accurate and expert diagnosis at a lower cost.
  • Medicines: Analyzing and developing drugs is an expensive process that takes years of effort and high investment. AI helps understand the origin of a disease and the resistance mechanism that is required to fight it. It effectively speeds up trials and identifies target proteins needed to develop the drug.
  • Design treatment: Different patients respond differently to medicines and treatments. AI helps design customized treatments for patients by comparing treatments/responses offered by diverse patients to similar treatment patterns making it easier for doctors to understand and choose the most suitable treatment plan for their patients.
  • Assist: AI helps primary care doctorsby assisting them in taking notes, analyzing, and feeding required information directly into EHR systems. It also provides insight into a patient’s medical needs from the procured data.

AI saves lives by preventing mistakes and improving outcomes. Still, it cannot replace doctors as it lacks the human touch that is essential in healing.

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