National Police Association

Know About National Police Association

There is no single National Police Association. The expression “Police” is typically used when referring to law enforcement, I.e., a city or even a City. The “Police” apply the “coverage” of the municipality. Thus, the name. Whereas if it’s a county, then the laws are enforced by the Sheriff, an elected official. He also delegates most of the to others because he can’t be everywhere at once by “deputizing” them. Hence the title “Sheriff’s Deputy.” A country has either a “State Trooper” or a “Highway Patrol.” Thus, working our way up: City/Town is Police and County is a Sheriff’s Deputy, State Government is a State Trooper or Highway Patrol.

National Police Association

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So, let us go up the ladder here; what about the Federal Government? This is where things get even more complex. For starters, a Federal Law Enforcement Officer is usually referred to as an “Agent.” By Way of Example, an FBI Agent or DEA Agent….Border Patrol Agent, ICE Agent etc. etc. The national government has hundreds of different agencies responsible for enforcing a variety of invoices that some past congress and president signed into law. These bureaus report to a department, that department reports to a cabinet secretary and the secretary reports to the president. There are tons of various kinds of National Police Association officers, from agricultural inspectors that inspect livestock and produce entering the nation to park rangers to counter-terrorism and human trafficking.

In practice, the uniformed “Police” agency that is most prominent is that the Border Patrol. They are the biggest uniformed agency in the national system. During desegregation, when Johnson ordered federal agents to the south to ensure black kids could go into white colleges, it had been the Border Patrol there making sure the regional cops did not get out of line.