If you’re a medical professional looking for a person who can connect you with the correct people in the same field, you need a Physician Liaison. These people are trained representatives of doctors, medical practices, and even hospitals that bridges the gap between medical professionals and specialty physicians. Successful Physician Liaisons are excellent in communicating and public speaking. Marisa Mellett is one such person who has all of these skills. She is a professional Physician Liaison that resided in Austin, Texas. If you’re in the area, she is the person you should talk to.
Being a Physician Liaison is not an easy feat. Marisa had to go through many challenges before she became one. Know more about her background and why she is one of the top representatives at Action Behavior Centers.
Starting from Scratch
Marisa was born and raised in Texas. She always wanted to use her strong public speaking skills and work in the medical field at the same time. In 2017, Marisa graduated from Texas Tech University and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. After that, she went on to study for her Master’s in Health Care Administration/Management at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and graduated in 2020.
After graduating, she worked as a Registered Behavior Technician twice. The first was at Pinecone Therapies. Second, at Action Behavior Centers, where she stayed and became a Physician Liaison after a couple of years. As a Registered Behavior Technician, she learned many skills. Mainly working with clients and their families in understanding their behaviors and implementing replacement behavior as necessary.
Marisa’s Journey to Becoming a Physician Liaison
After eight months of working as a Registered Behavior Tech, she applied for the Marketing Assitant Role and got the job in January of 2019. As a Marketing Assistant, she learned many skills from the busy tasks she was given, mainly assisting the Office Administrator in the new client application process, tours, ADOS assessments, scheduling, office management, and inbound leads. Her tasks involved working behind the scenes, but she proved to be an essential part of ABC.
Marisa became a Physician Liaison in August of 2019. Her primary role is to connect with various medical professionals in the Austin region. She also managed marketing materials and distributed them across all regions. She is a captivating woman, with hundreds of medical professionals listening to her educate them about ABC’s services.
Marisa Mellet proved to be an excellent Physician Liaison. Even with just over a year of experience, she is already popular in her field.