Significance of Pet Stress Awareness

Our pets tend to get illnesses here and there, much of those illnesses depend on what runs in the breed, physical build, living conditions, and care and treatment by owner. However even under perfect conditions, just like people, there are some illnesses that dogs and cats are prone to have, some more often than others. Learn how you can discover pet stress to give him a healthier, happier, longer life.

Are you surprised to read that animals have stress? Stress affects our dogs and cats and various type pets across the board. Pet stress causes health problems, causes depression, decreases the quality of life, and also shortens their life span. For these reasons, amongst others, it is necessary for pet owners to practice another part of pet wellness which is finding out if their pet is stressed and also using all the appropriate methods to help eliminate the stress.

Pet Stress Sign

  1. Itching

Itching is a sign of several things such as fleas, ticks, lice, or skin allergy but it can also be a sign of stress if your dog or cat is itching himself more than normal. When you take care of pets naturally, it offers effective allergy itching remedies that can be administered at home. Treating itching and discomfort allergy source will also keep your pet from suffering from stressed caused by trouble – from ongoing itchiness.


  1. Excessive shedding

Shedding is increased when the suffers from too much stress be. This is common when the pet food is of low quality and can also be genetics, as well as a dog that is not getting enough sunlight. Another condition is when the pet’s skin pores do not close all the way to allow the hair to fall regularly. Vitamins like Biotin can help. Or, maybe your pet is just too stressed out.

  1. Lethargy

A lethargic pet is always a sign that something is not right and needs to be looked into urgently. This can stem from poor health, depression, little exercise, and sadness. Or, your pet’s stress is on fire. Usually, a vet will request a stool sample to get to the root of this problem.

  1. Lack of or no appetite

When your pet is depressed or sick, he will eat less and can also lose his appetite altogether. Pet owners need to address this situation when noticed by immediately.

  1. Lack of interest

When a pet suddenly shows a lack of interest in things that he is always happy to do or enjoyed while doing is a sign of a sick, depressed pet, or sad. Check for sickness first then consider stress as a reason.

Be aware of changes in the behavior of any kind to be addressed and sourced to the root of the problem. Stress might not be the cause of all problems your pet is facing, but it should certainly never be ruled out. Give your pet the quality of life he deserves by ensuring his meals, treats, exercise, training, lifestyle, treatments, and environment are healthy ones and appropriate for his breed and age.

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